Above is a picture of my Egyptian art. On the left side of the picture, you can see Anubis, the god of the underworld who guided and protected the spirits of the dead. He is wearing his jewels, and he is carrying his cane. Above his head is an orange circle, showing that he is a god. The other people in the picture are Egyptians whose hearts are being weighed. These are average people who have come to death. They are either going to go to the afterlife, or be killed by a monster. In front of Anubis is a scale. On one end is a feather, and on the other is someone's heart. The heart belongs to the person standing in the middle of the picture, on the block below the stairs. If the person's heart is lighter than the feather, Anubis will send him to the afterlife. However, if the person's heart is heavier than the feather, the block below the person's feet will drop and he will fall right into the monster's cage, where the monster kills him. The other people standing in line behind the person who's future is being weighed out are waiting for their turn, and hoping that their hearts are light. The hieroglyphics at the bottom of the page mean "death". The other hieroglyphics on the wall are different Egyptian prayers.