The natural environment enables mummification. You can't, for example, have someone be mummified in the tropical rainforest, at least not naturally. However, with hot climates such as the Ancient Egyptians had, mummifying would be easier and a common thing to do. You could also mummify someone in a very cold climate, such as the Andes mountains in Chile. These natural environments could preserve bodies naturally. Another natural location that could preserve bodies are swamps or bogs.

One way mummies have been made is just naturally, being preserved over time in their natural environment. Another reason of why mummies are made was that the Ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife. They believe that people lived another life after they died in this one, so they would preserve people's bodies and bury them with their most valuable belongings to take to the afterlife. They also believed that some animals should be mummified for religious reasons.

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